The Path to Pain-Free Healthy Living Begins at Sarasota Neuropathy Center

Diabetes and Neuropathy Treatment in Venis Gardens, FL

Living with neuropathy and diabetes is a challenge that millions of Americans face every day. Neuropathy - which comes in several forms and manifests in many ways - can affect any person. In the United States, neuropathy and diabetes often go hand-in-hand, with about 50% of people with diabetes suffering from the condition. In fact, the number of people with neuropathy is only increasing as diabetes becomes more common and the population ages.

People who suffer from these conditions must endure painful and disruptive symptoms, such as:

  • Intense Bouts of Sharp, Burning Pain
  • Numbness, Prickling, or Tingling in the Hands and Feet
  • Decreased Muscle Strength and Paralysis
  • Trouble with Balance and Coordination
  • Unusually High Sensitivity to Touch
  • Digestive and Bladder Control Issues

While some patients are at a greater risk of developing certain types of neuropathy, it doesn't discriminate between sex, race, age, or medical history. Fortunately, neuropathy and diabetes awareness are growing. By proxy, so are new and exciting treatment options that show dramatic improvements in both conditions.

If you've been suffering from the symptoms of diabetes or neuropathy and are in search of a truly effective solution, Sarasota Neuropathy Center can help. Unlike some clinics, our commitment is to offer more than temporary relief. As a diabetic and neuropathy treatment specialist in Venis Gardens, FL, we aim to rectify the distinct root causes underlying each patient's symptoms.

But to understand how we're able to accomplish that goal, you've got to first understand the nuances of neuropathy and diabetes.

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Neuropathy 101

Neuropathy is a medical condition that arises when the peripheral nerves, which are responsible for transmitting signals between the brain, spinal cord, and other parts of the body, fail to function correctly due to damage or disease. These nerves are essential for detecting sensations such as warmth, cold, and pain, as well as regulating muscle movement and carrying out automatic processes like digestion and heartbeat without our conscious involvement.

What Causes Neuropathy?

When patients speak with a nerve pain doctor for the first time, they have a lot of questions, and rightfully so. At Sarasota Neuropathy Center, one of the most frequently asked questions we hear centers around the factors causing neuropathy. If you're reading this article, chances are you have similar questions. While we can't pinpoint what's causing your neuropathy without proper testing, here are a few of the most common factors that can cause neuropathy to manifest:

Diabetic Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL


Diabetes is one of the leading causes of diabetes in adults - especially when a person has dealt with high blood sugar levels over long periods of time. When diabetes harms your nerves, it can lead to diabetic neuropathy and create a recurring trigger for this type of nerve damage.

 Diabetes Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL

Lack of Vitamins

Your nerves require certain vitamins, including B1 (thiamine), B12, B6, and vitamin E, to function correctly. Without a balanced diet or supplementation, deficiencies in these vitamins can lead to nerve damage over time.

 Neuropathy Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL

Autoimmune Disorders

In certain instances, a person's immune system accidentally attacks its own cells, including nerve tissues. When this happens, neuropathy often follows. Diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Guillain-Barré syndrome come under this category, where the immune system's misguided attack on nerves causes dysfunction and pain.

 Diabetes Treatment Clinic Venis Gardens, FL


Neuropathy can be inherited in some families, meaning it is passed down from one generation to another. When this occurs, peripheral nerves can be affected by genetic forms of the condition, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.

 Neuropathy Treatment Clinic Venis Gardens, FL

Infections in the Body

There are certain viruses and bacteria that have the ability to attack nerve tissues and also cause conditions that can result in nerve damage. Examples of such infections include Lyme disease, HIV, and hepatitis C. These illnesses have the potential to either initiate or worsen existing neuropathy.

 Diabetes Treatment Practice Venis Gardens, FL

Physical Trauma

Physical injuries, whether caused by accidents, repetitive movements, or falls, can lead to nerve damage. Such injuries can result in neuropathy, causing loss of function and painful sensations in the affected region of the body.

What are the Different Types of Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that can affect one nerve, a group of related nerves, or multiple nerves in different parts of the body. The symptoms can vary depending on which type of nerve signals are affected. Keep reading for a closer look at the various types of neuropathies and how they affect you. If one of the categories below sounds familiar, make a mental note to discuss it with your diabetic and neuropathy treatment specialist in Venis Gardens, FL.

 Neuropathy Treatment Practice Venis Gardens, FL

Peripheral Neuropathy:

Nerve Pain in Your Arms and Legs

Of all the different types of neuropathies, this is the kind that you're probably most familiar with, as it's the most common form treated in the U.S.It occurs most often when the nerves responsible for transmitting messages of touch and movement between your brain and your extremities don't function properly.

Symptoms can include:

  • Sensations of Pins and Needles
  • Numbness
  • Soreness
  • Cramping
  • Shooting Pains

As the condition progresses, muscle weakness can occur, making it difficult to perform precise movements and walk without assistance. Balance problems are also common.

 Diabetic Nerve Pain Treatment Venis Gardens, FL

Focal Neuropathy:

Nerve Pain in a Specific Area

Focal neuropathy can sometimes result in damage to a single nerve or a cluster of nerves in a particular region, leading to localized pain or weakness. For instance, carpal tunnel syndrome can affect the wrist, causing numbness or weakness in the hand. Similarly, Bell's palsy can impact the face, resulting in droopiness or stiffness on one side of the face.

Other symptoms can include:

  • Muscles Don't Work Correctly
  • Sharp Pains
  • Localized Pain and Weakness
 Neuropathy Pain Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL

Autonomic Neuropathy:

Nerve Pain That Controls Automatic Body Functions

This type of neuropathy affects the nerves that control involuntary bodily functions, such as heartbeat, digestion, and bladder control. When these nerves are damaged

You may experience symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness When Standing Quickly
  • Issues with Sexual Intercourse
  • Constipation
  • Issues Regulating Body Temperature
Diabetic Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL

Compression Neuropathy:

Nerve Pain from Your Nerves Being Squeezed

This type of neuropathy happens when a nerve is pinched or squeezed. It happens most often when you are injured or have to repeat actions over and over again for work or sports purposes. Some examples include Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and sciatica. Symptoms can include:

Symptoms can include:

  • Sharp Shooting Pain
  • Weakness in the Affected Body Part
  • Numbness

Whether you or someone you love are trying to live with neuropathy, you know that it can significantly alter lifestyles, making it difficult to perform day-to-day activities, work, or engage in hobbies. That's why it's so important to understand the underlying causes of your nerve pain, so that you can receive appropriate treatment and improve your quality of life. Taking care of the root problem, as well as managing the pain and other symptoms, is key to helping you stay active and comfortable. That's where working with a diabetic and neuropathy treatment specialist in Venis Gardens, FL, becomes crucial.

Addressing the Root Causes of Your Neuropathy

Sarasota Neuropathy Center is a nerve pain clinic that provides patients with a comprehensive, rewarding journey toward healing. It begins with a thorough evaluation that involves in-depth laboratory tests and analyses. This introductory step helps us identify the specific factors that contribute to your peripheral neuropathy. Our team of neuropathy treatment specialists then creates a personalized treatment plan tailored exclusively to your body and symptoms.

By providing you with a wide range of strategies aimed at addressing the root causes of your condition, you can achieve lasting relief and may even be able to reverse the effects of peripheral neuropathy.

Our advanced therapeutic options include:

 Diabetes Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL
 Neuropathy Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL

Nerve Regeneration Equipment

We use cutting-edge machinery like laser light therapy and electromagnetic impulses to stimulate your nerves, encourage repair, and foster nerve tissue regeneration.

 Diabetes Treatment Clinic Venis Gardens, FL

Vaso-Pulse Technology

This FDA-approved treatment sends signals through your feet and around your spine, which helps us highlight and rectify areas where nerve and vascular damage are present.

 Neuropathy Treatment Clinic Venis Gardens, FL


By incorporating antioxidants into your treatment plan, we can better mitigate nerve damage and counteract oxidative stress.

 Diabetes Treatment Practice Venis Gardens, FL

Anti-Inflammatory Treatments

Inflammation exacerbates nerve damage and pain. Our neuropathy specialists use anti-inflammatory agents to help alleviate your symptoms

 Neuropathy Treatment Practice Venis Gardens, FL

Minerals and Vitamins

Nutritional deficiencies impact nerve health. We supplement those deficiencies with vitamins and minerals to help nerve repair.

 Diabetic Nerve Pain Treatment Venis Gardens, FL


For neuropathies linked to autoimmune disorders, we employ immunomodulators that help regulate the immune system's activity to prevent it from attacking the body's own nerve tissues.

 Neuropathy Pain Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL

Lifestyle and Diet Changes

Changing your diet and incorporating exercise into your daily routine are two of the best ways to support nerve health.

Through a personalized, natural, and comprehensive treatment plan from Sarasota Neuropathy Center, reclaiming your life doesn't have to be a dream - it can be a true possibility.

Diabetes 101

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by elevated levels of sugar in the blood. This happens when the body is unable to produce or use insulin effectively. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps regulate blood glucose levels by facilitating its absorption into cells for energy or storage.

There are several types of diabetes of which you should be aware:

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes is a condition in which the immune system attacks and destroys the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, resulting in little to no insulin production. This condition usually develops in childhood or adolescence but can occur at any age. Patients who suffer from Type 1 Diabetes have to depend on daily insulin administration to manage their blood sugar levels.

The exact cause of this autoimmune reaction is not fully understood, although it is believed that genetic and environmental factors may contribute to it. Contact your diabetic and neuropathy treatment specialist in Venis Gardens, FL to learn more about this disease.

Diabetic Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and is mainly caused by lifestyle factors such as obesity, physical inactivity, and poor diet. In this condition, the body either doesn't produce enough insulin or the cells don't use insulin effectively, leading to high blood sugar levels. Unlike Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes can sometimes be managed or reversed with lifestyle changes, although some people may still need medications or insulin therapy.

 Diabetes Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy and typically goes away after giving birth. However, it can give an indication of a woman's future risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The condition is caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy that make the body's cells more resistant to insulin. It's important to manage Gestational Diabetes to prevent complications for both mother and baby.

Other types of diabetes can include:

  • Monogenic Diabetes
  • Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes
  • Secondary Diabetes
 Neuropathy Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL
 Diabetes Treatment Clinic Venis Gardens, FL

Four Ways You Can Develop Diabetes

probably heard of people getting diabetes from poor diet choices. While that is true, you can get diabetes from several factors, such as:

 Neuropathy Treatment Clinic Venis Gardens, FL


You can have genetic links to both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. These links make you predisposed to the condition.

 Diabetes Treatment Practice Venis Gardens, FL


Poor diet, lack of exercise, and obesity all contribute to insulin resistance, which causes diabetes

 Neuropathy Treatment Practice Venis Gardens, FL


Your immune system mistakenly targets and eliminates insulin-producing beta cells in your pancreas, leading to insufficient insulin production and Type 1 Diabetes.

 Diabetic Nerve Pain Treatment Venis Gardens, FL

Insulin Resistance

The most prevalent type of diabetes - Type 2 Diabetes - arises when cells resist insulin's effect, causing a spike in blood sugar levels.

What Are the Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes?

Many patients who speak with a diabetic and neuropathy treatment specialist in Venis Gardens, FL assume they have Type 2 Diabetes, but aren't 100% sure. At Sarasota Neuropathy Center, we would need to conduct tests to verify whether you have the disease. With that said, the following symptoms often manifest when you have Type 2 Diabetes.

 Neuropathy Pain Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL


Type 2 Diabetes can cause nerve damage, which in turn causes tingling and numbness, especially in your feet and hands.

Diabetic Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL


Chronic fatigue happens when your body can't utilize glucose for energy in the right way.

 Diabetes Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL

Excessive Urination and Thirst

When you have high blood sugar, your body's natural response is to eliminate excess fluids. This can cause you to urinate frequently and can also cause you to feel very thirsty.

 Neuropathy Treatment Center Venis Gardens, FL

Slow-Healing Wounds

High blood sugar impairs your body's ability to heal itself and resist infection.

 Diabetes Treatment Clinic Venis Gardens, FL

Vision Changes

When your blood sugar spikes, it can cause visual disturbances that can blur your vision.

 Neuropathy Treatment Clinic Venis Gardens, FL

Unexplained Weight Loss

In uncontrolled Type 1 Diabetes, the body may begin to break down muscle and fat for energy, leading to unexplained weight loss.

If you believe you may have Type 2 Diabetes, it's important to get checked out ASAP. Regular health screenings and glucose monitoring are important for early detection and effective management of Type 2 Diabetes, as symptoms may not be apparent in the initial stages.

The Sarasota Neuropathy Approach to Diabetes Care

As a diabetic and neuropathy treatment specialist in Venis Gardens, FL, we are committed to offering a groundbreaking approach for Type 2 Diabetes, which focuses on reversing the condition by addressing the root causes rather than just managing the symptoms. Our innovative strategy goes beyond conventional treatment paradigms and delves into the underlying factors that contribute to Type 2 Diabetes.

We use a holistic methodology that includes comprehensive lifestyle interventions, nutritional counseling, and personalized medical oversight. This approach has consistently demonstrated remarkable efficacy in significantly reducing blood glucose levels among our patients.

Key highlights of our diabetes treatment include:

We aim to address the root causes of Type 2 Diabetes, including insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction, to help the body regulate blood sugar levels naturally and effectively. This approach has led to significant reductions in medication dependency or even complete discontinuation of medication for many patients.

Patients who receive treatment at Sarasota Diabetes & Neuropathy Center often report experiencing an improvement in their glycemic control, as well as an overall enhancement in their well-being. This includes increased energy levels, sustainable weight loss, and a greater sense of vitality, which all contribute to a significantly improved quality of life.

Our expert medical team provides vigilant care to our patients and creates individualized treatment plans that cater to their specific needs. We support these plans with thorough laboratory testing and analysis to ensure precise identification of any imbalances and deficiencies. Based on the results, we develop personalized supplementation strategies that aim to correct these deficiencies and optimize metabolic health.

Our clinic specializing in diabetes and neuropathy offers comprehensive assistance for lifestyle adjustments, which includes custom diets, exercise routines, stress management practices, and education on the management of Type 2 Diabetes. These modifications are essential in reversing Type 2 Diabetes and are designed according to each patient's individual lifestyle and preferences.

We understand that reversing Type 2 Diabetes is a constantly evolving process, and we are dedicated to providing ongoing monitoring and support to our patients. Regular follow-up consultations enable us to make any necessary adjustments to treatment plans and tackle any new obstacles that may arise, resulting in consistent progress towards reversing Type 2 Diabetes.

Book Appointment

The Path to Relief Starts with a Diabetic and Neuropathy Treatment Specialist in Venis Gardens, FL

At Sarasota Diabetes & Neuropathy Center, our mission is to empower you to overcome neuropathy, Type 2 Diabetes, or both by embarking on a transformative journey to wellness. By integrating advanced medical care with comprehensive lifestyle interventions, we help you achieve better health outcomes and a renewed sense of hope and control over your journey to a healthy life.

Latest News in Venis Gardens, FL

How to Grow a Venus Flytrap as a Houseplant

Growing a Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is almost like having a little green pet, complete with hungry bifold jaws with spiky fringed "teeth." And when an insect lands on that enticing pink center and the trap closes around the victim, that's completely out of this world! In order to grow a Venus flytrap, you need to provide it different care than other ...

Growing a Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is almost like having a little green pet, complete with hungry bifold jaws with spiky fringed "teeth." And when an insect lands on that enticing pink center and the trap closes around the victim, that's completely out of this world! In order to grow a Venus flytrap, you need to provide it different care than other houseplants you're probably used to growing, but these tips will help guide you through its requirements to thrive.

Genus Name Dionaea
Common Name Venus Flytrap
Plant Type Houseplant, Perennial
Light Part Sun, Sun
Height 1 to 5 inches
Width 3 to 5 inches
Flower Color White
Foliage Color Blue/Green, Purple/Burgundy
Special Features Good for Containers
Zones 10, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Propagation Division, Leaf Cuttings, Seed

Where to Grow Venus Flytrap

Instead of originating one planet away from Earth, Venus flytraps are perennials native to boggy areas of coastal North and South Carolina. They grow in moist, acidic soils in full sun, but most varieties survive winter outdoors only in Zones 8-10. Although some varieties can live in colder zones with protection, most gardeners grow them as houseplants that summer outdoors and winter indoors. Gardeners in cold winter climates should grow Venus flytraps in a moist environment, such as an open terrarium, that can go indoors during winter.

Venus Flytrap Care Tips

Venus flytraps do best in at least six hours of bright sunlight per day. When they are grown inside under artificial lights, keep flytraps 4 to 7 inches away from fluorescent lights. If your plant's traps don't show a pink interior (depending on variety) or the leaves look long and spindly, provide more light.

The 11 Best Grow Lights to Help Your Plants Thrive, Based on Testing

Venus flytrap thrives in poor, acidic soil that stays damp but still has good drainage. Avoid using regular potting soil, some of which may have added fertilizers. A blend of one-third perlite (or sand) and two-thirds sphagnum peat moss provides the best drainage and moisture retention.

Keep the soil constantly moist. One way to do this is to place the flytrap pot in a saucer or tray of water about an inch deep. Never give your plants what comes out of your tap; it's usually too alkaline or might have too many minerals. Instead, rely on rainwater or use distilled water.

Venus flytrap prefers a temperature of 70°F-95°F, although some varieties can survive 40°F in the winter with protection. For the best Venus flytrap care, keep the environment humid. Good air circulation is also important when growing Venus flytrap plants, so turn on a fan in the room where you keep them.

Never add fertilizer, and don't add lime to the soil of Venus flytrap plants. These plants get the nutrients they need from their prey.

What to Feed a Venus Flytrap

Although flytraps are carnivorous, they can go for long periods (a month or two) without eating insects. If you grow them outdoors, they'll get enough to eat naturally. If you're growing Venus flytraps indoors, you'll have to feed them small bugs such as flies and beetles periodically. When you're feeding a flytrap, don't give it any insects larger than a third of the size of the trap. Otherwise, the trap won't be able to fully close and begin digesting the food.

It doesn't matter if the bug is alive or not, but the trap needs to be triggered by movement before it will close. For dead prey, after placing the bug in an open trap, gently touch a small paintbrush to the inside of the trap until you see the trap start to close. Only trigger traps to close when there is food for the plant. Playing with the traps just to make them close wastes the plant's energy, which can lead to its decline.

Don't feed a Venus flytrap any meat, including chicken, steak, sausage, or hot dogs. Also, refrain from offering fruit or candy.

Potting and Repotting Venus Flytrap

When you receive a Venus flytrap, pot it in a small, deep pot using a recommended potting medium, such as one-third perlite and two-thirds peat moss. The depth of the pot encourages root growth, as does tray watering, so choose a minimum of a 4-inch-deep pot that has a drainage hole and a tray. Deeper is even better.

As for width of the pot for a Venus flytrap, the more soil around the roots, the better the insulation, so in cold areas, a wider pot is preferable. How wide? A single Venus flytrap usually grows comfortably in a 5-inch wide pot. When the plant becomes crowded—or annually, even if it doesn't become crowded—repot it using fresh potting medium.

Pests and Problems

Venus flytraps aren't bothered by many pests but might attract aphids, spider mites, or fungus gnats. If the plant has aphids, submerge it in water (distilled, not tap!) for two days. Wait a week and repeat the process. If the plant has a severe aphid infestation, apply an insecticidal soap or neem oil, which is also effective against spider mites.

In the case of fungus gnats, the larvae cause the problem. Control them by drenching the soil with Bacillus thuringiensis (BT). To prevent attracting them, keep the soil slightly moist but not soggy.

At times, the Venus flytrap leaves and traps turn black or burnt-looking, causing new owners to be alarmed. The plant is likely entering its dormant period, at which point the foliage dies only to emerge refreshed months later. However, an unhealthy Venus flytrap can display black leaves or traps due to other reasons: low humidity, letting the plant dry out too often, and root rot among them. In these cases, correct the problem and trim the black leaves and traps from the plant; they can't be saved.

How to Propagate Venus Flytrap

You can propagate Venus flytrap by division, leaf cuttings, or seeds. Most people choose division or leaf cuttings to propagate their Venus flytraps. Propagating from seed is possible but complicated.

The best time for division is late winter to spring. Remove the plant from the container and use a sharp knife to cut it into two or more sections. Each division must contain a portion of the root system. Repot the divisions immediately in individual pots filled with a perlite/peat moss mix.

Propagate from leaf cuttings in early summer by pulling out and down to remove an entire leaf. It must have a tiny bit of rhizome at the end to be useful for propagation. Insert the leaf (or several) into a small pot filled with well-draining potting medium. Put the pot in a plastic bag to keep it from drying out. As a leaf turns black, trim it off. About six months later, a tiny but recognizable Venus flytrap will appear. If several leaves were planted in a pot, separate them at this point.

Types of Venus Flytraps

Plant breeders have been working with Venus flytraps and have come out with new varieties, including a few with large burgundy-red traps. These unusual varieties, along with familiar favorites, are available from specialty garden centers or online retailers. Popular varieties of Venus flytrap include:

Many types of carnivorous plants, including the Venus flytrap, are federally endangered or threatened because of habitat loss and overcollection. Make sure to purchase your plants from a reputable source that doesn't collect from wild populations.

Winter Dormancy for Venus Flytraps

Like many other plants, Venus flytraps need a period of winter dormancy when they appear to be dead (the leaves may die back) but are merely resting. Keep the plant at 35°F to 50°F during this time. Don't let terrariums freeze, or the plants may die, and the glass may break. At about the spring equinox, when days start growing longer, begin to increase warmth and light.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tampa Bay area faces coastal flood threat after storms roll through

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — While Tuesday's storm system cleared out of the Tampa Bay region, people living in coastal areas remained on high alert for flooding.People near the immediate bay were facing a possible 2-3 foot water rise.The National Weather Service found evidence that an EF-0 tornado likely touched down Tuesday afternoon just south of Downtown St. Petersburg.Elsewhere,...

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — While Tuesday's storm system cleared out of the Tampa Bay region, people living in coastal areas remained on high alert for flooding.

People near the immediate bay were facing a possible 2-3 foot water rise.

The National Weather Service found evidence that an EF-0 tornado likely touched down Tuesday afternoon just south of Downtown St. Petersburg.

Elsewhere, strong thunderstorms brought down tree branches and tore up a backyard awning in the Eagles neighborhood in northwestern Hillsborough County.

7:06 p.m. A tornado warning was issued for Highlands County through 7:30 p.m.

6:53 p.m.: A severe thunderstorm warning continues until 7:30 p.m. for parts of DeSoto, Hardee and Highlands counties. Wind gusts to 60 mph are possible.

6:47 p.m.: The squall line continues pushing through portions of DeSoto, Hardee, Highlands and Polk counties.

6:16 p.m.: A severe thunderstorm warning is in effect until 7 p.m. for portions of DeSoto, Hardee, Highlands and Polk counties. Wind gusts to 60 mph are possible.

5:49 p.m.: A severe thunderstorm warning is in effect until 6:15 p.m. for parts of DeSoto and Sarasota counties. Wind gusts to 60 mph and pea-sized hail are possible.

5:28 p.m.: A severe thunderstorm warning is in effect until 6:15 p.m. for parts of DeSoto, Hardee, Hillsborough, Manatee, Polk and Sarasota counties. Wind gusts to 60 mph are possible. Pea-sized hail is possible, as well.

4:58 p.m.: A severe thunderstorm warning is in effect until 5:30 p.m. for parts of Hillsborough, Manatee and Sarasota counties. Wind gusts to 60 mph are possible.

4:50 p.m.: Residents in the Eagles neighborhood in northwestern Hillsborough County are assessing the damage after strong to severe storms moved through.

4:45 p.m.: The tornado warning earlier in effect for Hillsborough County has been allowed to expire.

4:36 p.m.: Strong storms are seen from the downtown Tampa area. There are no immediate reports of damage.

4:31 p.m.: A tornado warning is in effect until 4:45 p.m. for parts of Tampa and central Hillsborough County.

4:31 p.m.: Previous tornado warnings in effect for Pinellas County are no longer in effect.

4:22 p.m.: A tornado warning is in effect until 4:45 p.m. for parts of southeastern Pinellas County, including the city of St. Petersburg.

4:12 p.m.: A tornado warning is in effect until 4:30 p.m. for parts of Hillsborough and Pinellas counties. The storm is moving generally east and will effect portions of South Tampa.

4 p.m.: The tornado warning earlier issued for Pinellas County has been allowed to expire.

3:54 p.m.: A severe thunderstorm warning is in effect until 4:30 p.m. for parts of Pinellas County. Wind gusts to 60 mph are possible.

3:43 p.m.: A tornado warning is in effect until 4 p.m. for parts of Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas counties.

3:41 p.m.: A severe thunderstorm warning is in effect until 4:15 p.m. for parts of Citrus County. Wind gusts to 60 mph and pea-sized hail are possible.

Forecasters warned of a possible tornado, too.

2:43 p.m.: The Pasco County Board of County Commissioners declares a local state of emergency to respond to possible impacts.

2 p.m.: Busch Gardens Tampa Bay closes early for the day because of the threat of severe weather. It will reopen at 10 a.m. Wednesday.

1:19 p.m.: The Manatee County Board of County Commissioners declares a local state of emergency to respond to possible impacts.

1:15 p.m.: A tornado watch has been issued through 9 p.m. for portions of Central Florida. A few tornadoes and a couple of intense tornadoes are possible, and 70-mph scattered damaging wind gusts are likely.

ProClean Pressure Washing Venice Revolutionizes Cleaning in Florida with Innovative Power Washing Solutions

Local business enhances curb appeal and promote hygiene in Venice and surrounding areas with state-of-the-art power washing services.VENICE, FLORIDA, USA, March 29, 2024 / -- ProClean Pressure Washing Venice, the leading provider of comprehensive power washing services, is proud to offer innovative cleaning solutions to residents and businesses in Venice, L...

Local business enhances curb appeal and promote hygiene in Venice and surrounding areas with state-of-the-art power washing services.

VENICE, FLORIDA, USA, March 29, 2024 / -- ProClean Pressure Washing Venice, the leading provider of comprehensive power washing services, is proud to offer innovative cleaning solutions to residents and businesses in Venice, Laurel, Nokomis, Venice Gardens, and Plantation. Founded in 2001 by Nathaniel Knebl, ProClean is the go-to expert for maintaining property cleanliness and integrity through high-quality house pressure washing in Venice, FL.

The local pressure washing company utilizes the latest power washing technology to deliver unparalleled service for all exterior cleaning needs. From house pressure washing and soft wash roof cleaning to commercial pressure washing and paver cleaning and sealing, ProClean's dedicated team ensures that every project meets the highest cleanliness and customer satisfaction standards.

"Our unique approach to power washing in Venice combines eco-friendly cleaning solutions with state-of-the-art technology to protect your property while delivering a deep clean," says Nathaniel Knebl, owner of ProClean Pressure Washing Venice. "We understand the value of maintaining not only the appearance but also the longevity of your property. That’s why we go above and beyond to ensure every job is done right."

ProClean’s services extend beyond aesthetic enhancement. It offers disinfecting and sanitization services, patio cleaning, driveway pressure washing, fence cleaning, and deck cleaning. This comprehensive range of services addresses the community's diverse needs and promotes a healthier and more appealing environment.

Nathaniel Knebl further elaborates, "At ProClean Pressure Washing Venice, we believe in building lasting relationships with our clients through reliable service and outstanding results. Our team is committed to transforming your property, one clean at a time, ensuring it stands out for all the right reasons."

About ProClean Pressure Washing Venice

Since 2001, Nathaniel Knebl and his team have been at the forefront of the power washing industry, serving the communities of Venice, Laurel, Nokomis, Venice Gardens, and Plantation with dedication and excellence. With over two decades of experience, the company prides itself on its commitment to customer satisfaction, utilizing the best cleaning technology and practices to deliver top-notch service. ProClean’s team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing a safer, cleaner, and more inviting environment for homeowners and businesses.

Discover the ProClean Pressure Washing Venice difference for yourself. Homeowners and businesses are invited to learn more about their transformative cleaning services and receive a free estimate today. Visit their website for more information and to explore current promotions and financing options. Let ProClean help you elevate your property's appearance and hygiene with their professional solutions for power washing in Venice.

For additional information or to schedule your service, please contact ProClean Pressure Washing Venice at or their contact page. Experience the benefits of professional power washing and join their community of satisfied customers today. Visit them at 871 Venetia Bay Blvd, Suite 202, Venice, FL 34285, for a personal consultation and service tailored to your needs.

Nathaniel Knebl ProClean Pressure Washing Venice +1 941-236-5161 email us here Visit us on social media: Facebook YouTube

ProClean Power Washing - Best Exterior Cleaning, Paver Cleaning & Pressure Washing in Venice FL

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HCA Florida Englewood Hospital eyes expansion into North Port

New 30-acre site is across the street from North Port's new public safety facility in Wellen ParkSarasota Herald-TribuneNORTH PORT – HCA Florida Healthcare recently closed on an $11.1 million purchase of almost 30 acres of property on the south side of Tamiami Trail in Wellen Park, a move that would expand the reach of HCA Florida Englewood Hospital into North Port.The parcel is on the southeast corner of Tamiami Trail and Preto Boulevard, across the street from the new ...

New 30-acre site is across the street from North Port's new public safety facility in Wellen Park

Sarasota Herald-Tribune

NORTH PORT – HCA Florida Healthcare recently closed on an $11.1 million purchase of almost 30 acres of property on the south side of Tamiami Trail in Wellen Park, a move that would expand the reach of HCA Florida Englewood Hospital into North Port.

The parcel is on the southeast corner of Tamiami Trail and Preto Boulevard, across the street from the new North Port public safety complex that opened last April.

It was purchased from Main Street Ranchlands LLLC on April 28, according to the warranty deed.

HCA Florida Englewood Hospital confirmed in a response to an email that it would build a free-standing emergency department on the property.

Related:New internal medicine residency program starts at HCA Sarasota Doctors Hospital

“We look forward to bringing a free-standing emergency center to the rapidly growing Wellen Park area and are excited with it being part of a well-planned community designed around improving healthcare access,” Steve Young, Chief Executive Officer of HCA Florida Englewood Hospital, said in a prepared statement. “From emergency care to hospital care, we will continue to build to match the healthcare needs of the community as it grows.”

Wellen Park, west of the Myakka River in North Port, routinely ranks among the fastest-selling master planned communities in the country.

HCA Healthcare owns two hospitals in Sarasota County, including HCA Sarasota Doctors Hospital. It also owns HCA Florida Blake Hospital in Manatee County and HCA Florida Fawcett Hospital in Charlotte County.

Health care access in south Sarasota County was bolstered by the November 2021 opening of the Sarasota Memorial Hospital Venice campus, then drastically cut last August, when Community Health Systems Inc started to close Shore Point Health Venice hospital.

The closure of the 312-bed facility meant an increase in patient flow at SMH Venice and longer travel times for residents in areas such as South Venice, Venice Gardens, Venice East and Plantation Golf & Country Club who had to travel to either the 110-bed SMH campus on Laurel Road or the 100-bed HCA Florida Englewood Hospital for care.

Expanded south Sarasota County care

HCA Florida opened a medical office in the West Villages Shopping Center last April and the emergency department at HCA Florida Englewood Hospital, 700 Medical Blvd. Englewood was expanded from 8 to 18 beds in December as part of a $10 million expansion project.

The HCA release said specific details will be released as plans are finalized but North Port District 5 City Commissioner Phil Stokes would not be surprised if the “hospital care” mentioned by Young quickly followed the free-standing emergency center.

Stokes said he had conversations with officials at the West Villages Improvement District that suggest HCA’s long–term plans would include a hospital developed on the same schedule – if not ahead of – Sarasota Memorial Health Care System’s plans to build a hospital on 32 acres it owns off of the Sumter Boulevard Exit off of Interstate 75.

Sarasota Memorial is in the due diligence phase of building a facility on that 32-acre site.

Hurricane Ian – which has been characterized as a 500-year flood event – revealed the need to elevate access roads to the parcel, to ensure future flooding did not cut off access to such a facility.

Prior to Hurricane Ian, SMH had eyed a 2025 groundbreaking for its North Port hospital.

SMH also owns a 27.8-acre site at the southwest corner of U.S. 41 and West Villages Parkway in Wellen Park and has contemplated building an out-patient facility there, as well as revamping its free-standing emergency room at Bobcat Village off of Toledo Blade Boulevard.

All those plans will likely be impacted by HCA’s next moves in Wellen Park.

Increasing need

Stokes pointed to the continued development in Wellen Park as well as an anticipated 9,000 homes in Winchester Ranch – the portion of the former Thomas Ranch in unincorporated Sarasota County – as justification for two hospitals.

Earlier:Winchester Ranch plan for 9,000 homes advances in Sarasota County

“We seem to need it, the demographics support it,” Stokes said.

For the better part of two decades North Port city officials have been hoping to attract at least one hospital to the city but that was frequently stymied by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration certificate of need program that required justification for new hospital beds.

SMH technically transferred beds from its Sarasota campus to the Venice campus when it received approval for that hospital.

Florida did away with the requirement in 2019.

Fish Camp a local landmark in need of a pedigree

Sarasota County historian to visit North Jetty Fish Camp to start documenting its significanceNOKOMIS — The North Jetty Fish Camp, built in 1946 with an old trolley car from Ybor City, has been a local landmark at the Venice Inlet for more than 70 years. It's a place to buy bait, grab a beverage and snack, or sit with a group of friends and catch up.“It’s just a fun spot: you can grab a cup of coffee in the morning or a soda during the day, a refreshment,” said Gabrielle Zawacki, who sto...

Sarasota County historian to visit North Jetty Fish Camp to start documenting its significance

NOKOMIS — The North Jetty Fish Camp, built in 1946 with an old trolley car from Ybor City, has been a local landmark at the Venice Inlet for more than 70 years. It's a place to buy bait, grab a beverage and snack, or sit with a group of friends and catch up.

“It’s just a fun spot: you can grab a cup of coffee in the morning or a soda during the day, a refreshment,” said Gabrielle Zawacki, who stopped at a picnic table with her husband, Ken, and three other members of the Paradise Peddlers cycling club Friday morning. “It’s Old Florida, it’s a tradition.”

Phil Meyer, who sat with five other fishermen at a nearby bench, agreed.

“I’ve been coming here since '77, a home away from home,” said Meyer, who drives to the jetty from Venice Gardens every day. “This is Old Florida.”

But neither Sarasota County nor the state of Florida have any written record of the North Jetty Fish Camp or its historical significance.

“This is a place, from the historical sense, that has flown under the radar,” said Rob Bendus, manager of historical resources for Sarasota County.

Bendus wants to change that, so at 3 p.m. Saturday, he will be at the fish camp at 1000 S. Casey Key Road.

When he worked in Tallahassee, Bendus dealt with the Florida Master Site File, which is a record of all places more than 50 years old.

“That’s the official state inventory of old places and things,” Bendus said. “This fish camp is not recorded on the Florida Master Site File.”

So his goal Saturday is to survey the structure, which is a patchwork of sorts, based on the old 1922 Ybor City trolley car, The Nebraska, and see the integrity of the structure and whether it exhibits the characteristics that would make it eligible for historical registers as listed by the county, state or federal government.

For that, Bendus needs to see if the building still has the look and feel of the past. Original workmanship and craftsmanship should be there.

“The intangible part about all these places is what is the cultural relevance?” he said.

Fishing camps in general, he said, have a place in Florida’s history. The next question will be to determine where the North Jetty Fish Camp fits in that history.

“I really need to understand what this place means to the community, the cultural relevance of the place,” Bendus said. “What is the importance of the fish camp, the trolley to the local community?”

Bendus is hoping that people who stop by are prepared to share their stories and bring photos and memorabilia.

Partly because Sarasota County, at the behest of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, removed the dock and observation deck in November 2017, many people fear Sarasota County — which owns both the North Jetty Fish Camp and a nearby snack bar and restroom facility that opened in 2014 — will want to demolish the fishing camp.

The dock, damaged by several storms, including Tropical Storm Colin in 2016, was beyond repair.

Some patrons who frequent the facility believed the Saturday meeting was a rally and not a historical fact-finding mission.

“You can’t get rid of this stuff; you’ve got to leave something to remind people,” said Karl France, who had thought at Bendus’ appearance was part of a rally to save the North Jetty and hoped to get the word out, to boost attendance.

The fish camp structure has its issues — notably a leaking roof — but Gary Durbin and his wife Joyce, who operate both North Jetty concessions, just agreed to a two-year extension to their contract with Sarasota County. That extension keeps it both businesses under his control through June 2021.

“They have to honor my contract and have to leave this alone,” Durbin said. “If I decided I don’t want to continue doing this, I could submit a letter to have this portion of the contract removed, so it could close.

“I’m not going to send that letter. I’m not going to do that,” he added. “Nobody in his right mind would want to shut a business down that generates revenue.”


• Sarasota County Historical Resources is interested in hearing old stories, as well as collecting old stories and photographs about the North Jetty Fish Camp, 1000 S. Casey Key Road, Nokomis. Historical Resources Manager Rob Bendus will be at the camp at 3 p.m. Saturday to survey the structure and talk with people. To share your story or digital copies of your photos, visit

• Sarasota County Historical Resources is at 6062 Porter Way, Sarasota, just east of the intersection of Bahia Vista Street and Cattlemen Road. For more information on the mission of historical resources, email [email protected] or call 941-861-5000.


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