
Meet Pastor Derek. Pastor Derek had suffered from complications from Type 2 Diabetes for 20 years. He tried medications, felt lethargic, and suffered from gout and continuous pain. Since starting care, he says he feels stronger, has more energy, and that the pain has left his body, allowing him to get back to speaking and teaching like he loves to do.

Meet Ralph. Ralph had been suffering from neuropathy pain for over 3 years. His condition was affecting his ability to walk, and his balance had gotten to the point that he had taken multiple falls. Since working with Ralph, he has seen almost all of his pain in his feet vanish, as well as significant improvements in his balance. 

Our Mission

Our mission at Sarasota Diabetes & Neuropathy Center is to empower every individual that comes through our door to achieve their best health outcome. We strive to identify and achieve an optimal health result in as little as 3 months.

Our Approach
Step-by-step process

Becoming a patient at our clinic involves a comprehensive, step-by-step process tailored to ensure the most effective treatment pathway for reversing Type 2 Diabetes and addressing other underlying health concerns. Here's what the journey typically involves:


The process begins with an initial consultation to understand your health history, current concerns, and treatment goals. This is a crucial step to ensure our approach is a good fit for your needs and that you can benefit maximally from our care.


Following the consultation, we conduct extensive blood tests. This thorough examination allows us to gain insights into your metabolic health, hormonal balance, nutritional deficiencies, and other critical health markers that conventional testing might overlook.

Report of Findings

Once we have your test results, we'll schedule a follow-up to discuss them in detail. During this session, we provide specific recommendations tailored to you. This includes explaining the significance of your test outcomes and outlining the initial steps of your personalized treatment plan.

Plan of Action

Depending on the initial findings, we may recommend further testing, such as stool and saliva tests, to deepen our understanding of your health status. This helps us refine your treatment plan with even greater precision.

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