The Path to Pain-Free Healthy Living Begins at Sarasota Neuropathy Center

Diabetes and Neuropathy Treatment in Englewood, FL

Living with neuropathy and diabetes is a challenge that millions of Americans face every day. Neuropathy - which comes in several forms and manifests in many ways - can affect any person. In the United States, neuropathy and diabetes often go hand-in-hand, with about 50% of people with diabetes suffering from the condition. In fact, the number of people with neuropathy is only increasing as diabetes becomes more common and the population ages.

People who suffer from these conditions must endure painful and disruptive symptoms, such as:

  • Intense Bouts of Sharp, Burning Pain
  • Numbness, Prickling, or Tingling in the Hands and Feet
  • Decreased Muscle Strength and Paralysis
  • Trouble with Balance and Coordination
  • Unusually High Sensitivity to Touch
  • Digestive and Bladder Control Issues

While some patients are at a greater risk of developing certain types of neuropathy, it doesn't discriminate between sex, race, age, or medical history. Fortunately, neuropathy and diabetes awareness are growing. By proxy, so are new and exciting treatment options that show dramatic improvements in both conditions.

If you've been suffering from the symptoms of diabetes or neuropathy and are in search of a truly effective solution, Sarasota Neuropathy Center can help. Unlike some clinics, our commitment is to offer more than temporary relief. As a diabetic and neuropathy treatment specialist in Englewood, FL, we aim to rectify the distinct root causes underlying each patient's symptoms.

But to understand how we're able to accomplish that goal, you've got to first understand the nuances of neuropathy and diabetes.

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Neuropathy 101

Neuropathy is a medical condition that arises when the peripheral nerves, which are responsible for transmitting signals between the brain, spinal cord, and other parts of the body, fail to function correctly due to damage or disease. These nerves are essential for detecting sensations such as warmth, cold, and pain, as well as regulating muscle movement and carrying out automatic processes like digestion and heartbeat without our conscious involvement.

What Causes Neuropathy?

When patients speak with a nerve pain doctor for the first time, they have a lot of questions, and rightfully so. At Sarasota Neuropathy Center, one of the most frequently asked questions we hear centers around the factors causing neuropathy. If you're reading this article, chances are you have similar questions. While we can't pinpoint what's causing your neuropathy without proper testing, here are a few of the most common factors that can cause neuropathy to manifest:

Diabetic Treatment Center Englewood, FL


Diabetes is one of the leading causes of diabetes in adults - especially when a person has dealt with high blood sugar levels over long periods of time. When diabetes harms your nerves, it can lead to diabetic neuropathy and create a recurring trigger for this type of nerve damage.

 Diabetes Treatment Center Englewood, FL

Lack of Vitamins

Your nerves require certain vitamins, including B1 (thiamine), B12, B6, and vitamin E, to function correctly. Without a balanced diet or supplementation, deficiencies in these vitamins can lead to nerve damage over time.

 Neuropathy Treatment Center Englewood, FL

Autoimmune Disorders

In certain instances, a person's immune system accidentally attacks its own cells, including nerve tissues. When this happens, neuropathy often follows. Diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Guillain-Barré syndrome come under this category, where the immune system's misguided attack on nerves causes dysfunction and pain.

 Diabetes Treatment Clinic Englewood, FL


Neuropathy can be inherited in some families, meaning it is passed down from one generation to another. When this occurs, peripheral nerves can be affected by genetic forms of the condition, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.

 Neuropathy Treatment Clinic Englewood, FL

Infections in the Body

There are certain viruses and bacteria that have the ability to attack nerve tissues and also cause conditions that can result in nerve damage. Examples of such infections include Lyme disease, HIV, and hepatitis C. These illnesses have the potential to either initiate or worsen existing neuropathy.

 Diabetes Treatment Practice Englewood, FL

Physical Trauma

Physical injuries, whether caused by accidents, repetitive movements, or falls, can lead to nerve damage. Such injuries can result in neuropathy, causing loss of function and painful sensations in the affected region of the body.

What are the Different Types of Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that can affect one nerve, a group of related nerves, or multiple nerves in different parts of the body. The symptoms can vary depending on which type of nerve signals are affected. Keep reading for a closer look at the various types of neuropathies and how they affect you. If one of the categories below sounds familiar, make a mental note to discuss it with your diabetic and neuropathy treatment specialist in Englewood, FL.

 Neuropathy Treatment Practice Englewood, FL

Peripheral Neuropathy:

Nerve Pain in Your Arms and Legs

Of all the different types of neuropathies, this is the kind that you're probably most familiar with, as it's the most common form treated in the U.S.It occurs most often when the nerves responsible for transmitting messages of touch and movement between your brain and your extremities don't function properly.

Symptoms can include:

  • Sensations of Pins and Needles
  • Numbness
  • Soreness
  • Cramping
  • Shooting Pains

As the condition progresses, muscle weakness can occur, making it difficult to perform precise movements and walk without assistance. Balance problems are also common.

 Diabetic Nerve Pain Treatment Englewood, FL

Focal Neuropathy:

Nerve Pain in a Specific Area

Focal neuropathy can sometimes result in damage to a single nerve or a cluster of nerves in a particular region, leading to localized pain or weakness. For instance, carpal tunnel syndrome can affect the wrist, causing numbness or weakness in the hand. Similarly, Bell's palsy can impact the face, resulting in droopiness or stiffness on one side of the face.

Other symptoms can include:

  • Muscles Don't Work Correctly
  • Sharp Pains
  • Localized Pain and Weakness
 Neuropathy Pain Treatment Center Englewood, FL

Autonomic Neuropathy:

Nerve Pain That Controls Automatic Body Functions

This type of neuropathy affects the nerves that control involuntary bodily functions, such as heartbeat, digestion, and bladder control. When these nerves are damaged

You may experience symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness When Standing Quickly
  • Issues with Sexual Intercourse
  • Constipation
  • Issues Regulating Body Temperature
Diabetic Treatment Center Englewood, FL

Compression Neuropathy:

Nerve Pain from Your Nerves Being Squeezed

This type of neuropathy happens when a nerve is pinched or squeezed. It happens most often when you are injured or have to repeat actions over and over again for work or sports purposes. Some examples include Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and sciatica. Symptoms can include:

Symptoms can include:

  • Sharp Shooting Pain
  • Weakness in the Affected Body Part
  • Numbness

Whether you or someone you love are trying to live with neuropathy, you know that it can significantly alter lifestyles, making it difficult to perform day-to-day activities, work, or engage in hobbies. That's why it's so important to understand the underlying causes of your nerve pain, so that you can receive appropriate treatment and improve your quality of life. Taking care of the root problem, as well as managing the pain and other symptoms, is key to helping you stay active and comfortable. That's where working with a diabetic and neuropathy treatment specialist in Englewood, FL, becomes crucial.

Addressing the Root Causes of Your Neuropathy

Sarasota Neuropathy Center is a nerve pain clinic that provides patients with a comprehensive, rewarding journey toward healing. It begins with a thorough evaluation that involves in-depth laboratory tests and analyses. This introductory step helps us identify the specific factors that contribute to your peripheral neuropathy. Our team of neuropathy treatment specialists then creates a personalized treatment plan tailored exclusively to your body and symptoms.

By providing you with a wide range of strategies aimed at addressing the root causes of your condition, you can achieve lasting relief and may even be able to reverse the effects of peripheral neuropathy.

Our advanced therapeutic options include:

 Diabetes Treatment Center Englewood, FL
 Neuropathy Treatment Center Englewood, FL

Nerve Regeneration Equipment

We use cutting-edge machinery like laser light therapy and electromagnetic impulses to stimulate your nerves, encourage repair, and foster nerve tissue regeneration.

 Diabetes Treatment Clinic Englewood, FL

Vaso-Pulse Technology

This FDA-approved treatment sends signals through your feet and around your spine, which helps us highlight and rectify areas where nerve and vascular damage are present.

 Neuropathy Treatment Clinic Englewood, FL


By incorporating antioxidants into your treatment plan, we can better mitigate nerve damage and counteract oxidative stress.

 Diabetes Treatment Practice Englewood, FL

Anti-Inflammatory Treatments

Inflammation exacerbates nerve damage and pain. Our neuropathy specialists use anti-inflammatory agents to help alleviate your symptoms

 Neuropathy Treatment Practice Englewood, FL

Minerals and Vitamins

Nutritional deficiencies impact nerve health. We supplement those deficiencies with vitamins and minerals to help nerve repair.

 Diabetic Nerve Pain Treatment Englewood, FL


For neuropathies linked to autoimmune disorders, we employ immunomodulators that help regulate the immune system's activity to prevent it from attacking the body's own nerve tissues.

 Neuropathy Pain Treatment Center Englewood, FL

Lifestyle and Diet Changes

Changing your diet and incorporating exercise into your daily routine are two of the best ways to support nerve health.

Through a personalized, natural, and comprehensive treatment plan from Sarasota Neuropathy Center, reclaiming your life doesn't have to be a dream - it can be a true possibility.

Diabetes 101

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by elevated levels of sugar in the blood. This happens when the body is unable to produce or use insulin effectively. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps regulate blood glucose levels by facilitating its absorption into cells for energy or storage.

There are several types of diabetes of which you should be aware:

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes is a condition in which the immune system attacks and destroys the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, resulting in little to no insulin production. This condition usually develops in childhood or adolescence but can occur at any age. Patients who suffer from Type 1 Diabetes have to depend on daily insulin administration to manage their blood sugar levels.

The exact cause of this autoimmune reaction is not fully understood, although it is believed that genetic and environmental factors may contribute to it. Contact your diabetic and neuropathy treatment specialist in Englewood, FL to learn more about this disease.

Diabetic Treatment Center Englewood, FL

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and is mainly caused by lifestyle factors such as obesity, physical inactivity, and poor diet. In this condition, the body either doesn't produce enough insulin or the cells don't use insulin effectively, leading to high blood sugar levels. Unlike Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes can sometimes be managed or reversed with lifestyle changes, although some people may still need medications or insulin therapy.

 Diabetes Treatment Center Englewood, FL

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy and typically goes away after giving birth. However, it can give an indication of a woman's future risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The condition is caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy that make the body's cells more resistant to insulin. It's important to manage Gestational Diabetes to prevent complications for both mother and baby.

Other types of diabetes can include:

  • Monogenic Diabetes
  • Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes
  • Secondary Diabetes
 Neuropathy Treatment Center Englewood, FL
 Diabetes Treatment Clinic Englewood, FL

Four Ways You Can Develop Diabetes

probably heard of people getting diabetes from poor diet choices. While that is true, you can get diabetes from several factors, such as:

 Neuropathy Treatment Clinic Englewood, FL


You can have genetic links to both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. These links make you predisposed to the condition.

 Diabetes Treatment Practice Englewood, FL


Poor diet, lack of exercise, and obesity all contribute to insulin resistance, which causes diabetes

 Neuropathy Treatment Practice Englewood, FL


Your immune system mistakenly targets and eliminates insulin-producing beta cells in your pancreas, leading to insufficient insulin production and Type 1 Diabetes.

 Diabetic Nerve Pain Treatment Englewood, FL

Insulin Resistance

The most prevalent type of diabetes - Type 2 Diabetes - arises when cells resist insulin's effect, causing a spike in blood sugar levels.

What Are the Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes?

Many patients who speak with a diabetic and neuropathy treatment specialist in Englewood, FL assume they have Type 2 Diabetes, but aren't 100% sure. At Sarasota Neuropathy Center, we would need to conduct tests to verify whether you have the disease. With that said, the following symptoms often manifest when you have Type 2 Diabetes.

 Neuropathy Pain Treatment Center Englewood, FL


Type 2 Diabetes can cause nerve damage, which in turn causes tingling and numbness, especially in your feet and hands.

Diabetic Treatment Center Englewood, FL


Chronic fatigue happens when your body can't utilize glucose for energy in the right way.

 Diabetes Treatment Center Englewood, FL

Excessive Urination and Thirst

When you have high blood sugar, your body's natural response is to eliminate excess fluids. This can cause you to urinate frequently and can also cause you to feel very thirsty.

 Neuropathy Treatment Center Englewood, FL

Slow-Healing Wounds

High blood sugar impairs your body's ability to heal itself and resist infection.

 Diabetes Treatment Clinic Englewood, FL

Vision Changes

When your blood sugar spikes, it can cause visual disturbances that can blur your vision.

 Neuropathy Treatment Clinic Englewood, FL

Unexplained Weight Loss

In uncontrolled Type 1 Diabetes, the body may begin to break down muscle and fat for energy, leading to unexplained weight loss.

If you believe you may have Type 2 Diabetes, it's important to get checked out ASAP. Regular health screenings and glucose monitoring are important for early detection and effective management of Type 2 Diabetes, as symptoms may not be apparent in the initial stages.

The Sarasota Neuropathy Approach to Diabetes Care

As a diabetic and neuropathy treatment specialist in Englewood, FL, we are committed to offering a groundbreaking approach for Type 2 Diabetes, which focuses on reversing the condition by addressing the root causes rather than just managing the symptoms. Our innovative strategy goes beyond conventional treatment paradigms and delves into the underlying factors that contribute to Type 2 Diabetes.

We use a holistic methodology that includes comprehensive lifestyle interventions, nutritional counseling, and personalized medical oversight. This approach has consistently demonstrated remarkable efficacy in significantly reducing blood glucose levels among our patients.

Key highlights of our diabetes treatment include:

We aim to address the root causes of Type 2 Diabetes, including insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction, to help the body regulate blood sugar levels naturally and effectively. This approach has led to significant reductions in medication dependency or even complete discontinuation of medication for many patients.

Patients who receive treatment at Sarasota Diabetes & Neuropathy Center often report experiencing an improvement in their glycemic control, as well as an overall enhancement in their well-being. This includes increased energy levels, sustainable weight loss, and a greater sense of vitality, which all contribute to a significantly improved quality of life.

Our expert medical team provides vigilant care to our patients and creates individualized treatment plans that cater to their specific needs. We support these plans with thorough laboratory testing and analysis to ensure precise identification of any imbalances and deficiencies. Based on the results, we develop personalized supplementation strategies that aim to correct these deficiencies and optimize metabolic health.

Our clinic specializing in diabetes and neuropathy offers comprehensive assistance for lifestyle adjustments, which includes custom diets, exercise routines, stress management practices, and education on the management of Type 2 Diabetes. These modifications are essential in reversing Type 2 Diabetes and are designed according to each patient's individual lifestyle and preferences.

We understand that reversing Type 2 Diabetes is a constantly evolving process, and we are dedicated to providing ongoing monitoring and support to our patients. Regular follow-up consultations enable us to make any necessary adjustments to treatment plans and tackle any new obstacles that may arise, resulting in consistent progress towards reversing Type 2 Diabetes.

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The Path to Relief Starts with a Diabetic and Neuropathy Treatment Specialist in Englewood, FL

At Sarasota Diabetes & Neuropathy Center, our mission is to empower you to overcome neuropathy, Type 2 Diabetes, or both by embarking on a transformative journey to wellness. By integrating advanced medical care with comprehensive lifestyle interventions, we help you achieve better health outcomes and a renewed sense of hope and control over your journey to a healthy life.

Latest News in Englewood, FL

Watch: Deputy rescues two children, mother from wreck after motorcyclist whizzed by

A video captured the moment a Florida deputy serendipitously arrived at a crash scene moments after the high-speed collision and saved two small children.The Feb. 8 crash happened around 7:30 p.m. after a deputy saw a motorcycle speed by him at approximately 100 mph, the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office said in ...

A video captured the moment a Florida deputy serendipitously arrived at a crash scene moments after the high-speed collision and saved two small children.

The Feb. 8 crash happened around 7:30 p.m. after a deputy saw a motorcycle speed by him at approximately 100 mph, the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office said in a Friday news release.

Officers believe the motorcyclist collided with a car carrying a woman and two children at an intersection when he saw a cloud of dust and smoke ahead of him on a road in Englewood, on Florida's west coast.

Charlotte County Deputy Sgt. Dave Musgrove, whose body camera captured the harrowing next moments, was the only officer on scene to help the family, the release stated.

“The actions of Sgt. Musgrove are to be commended," said Sheriff Bill Prummell in the release. "His poise and calm demeanor in a scene of chaos and tragedy ultimately saved the life of a beautiful child. I want to thank the bystanders who came to his aid as well, allowing him to focus on the immediate need of the baby."

'Just wanted a hug':Watch a Florida deputy respond to heartwarming 911 call from boy

Video shows motorcycle in pieces, deputy pull crying toddler out of car

As a warning to viewers, the video contains content that may be disturbing to some.

In the video, a motorcycle can be seen weaving between traffic at a high speed after passing the deputy on the left. Then, the dash camera shows the bike in mere pieces as the deputy arrived at the scene of the collision.

As Musgrove approaches the car, the mother can be heard wailing "my baby!" and a child's scream comes from the back seat.

He opens the back passenger's door, and helps coax out a crying toddler.

"Come here, come here sweetheart," Musgrove can be heard saying in the background.

He uses a flashlight to flag down a passing car, pleading with the bystander to help him and passes off the child to him. Then he runs back to assist the mother.

According to the release, the deputy realized the deceased motorcyclist was covering the car seat holding the infant. The baby had no pulse and was not breathing.

Musgrove enlisted bystanders help remove the car seat. He performed CPR on the infant, who soon took a long breath. EMTs arrived shortly after and they had detected a pulse, the release states.

Deputy moved dead biker off baby; mother and kids survive

Musgrove had to move the deceased motorist, who was wedged in the rear window of the driver's side, to locate the unconscious baby, officials said.

The mother was identified as Kayleigh Foley in an interview with local NBC affiliate WBBH.

She said the baby, 6 months old, was in the intensive care unit with a brain injury after the accident and Musgrove has called every day to check in, according to WBBH.

"We will never repay him for what he did. What he did for us was life-changing," she told the outlet.

Foley and the other daughter, 3, who was pulled from the car are recovering well, WBBH reported.

'Keep chugging along': Englewood neighbors still rebuilding 1 year after Hurricane Ian

In Sarasota County, more than 150 residents still live in similar temporary housing supplied by FEMA when the storm hit.More VideosENGLEWOOD, Fla. — Thursday marks one year since Hurricane Ian hit southwest Florida and caused monumental destruction.While the eye landed in the Fort Myers area, Ian's broader force, packing an estimated 150 mph su...

In Sarasota County, more than 150 residents still live in similar temporary housing supplied by FEMA when the storm hit.

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ENGLEWOOD, Fla. — Thursday marks one year since Hurricane Ian hit southwest Florida and caused monumental destruction.

While the eye landed in the Fort Myers area, Ian's broader force, packing an estimated 150 mph sustained winds at landfall, made an impact with its destruction in parts of the Tampa Bay area.

Places in south Sarasota County, like North Port, were overrun by flood waters of up to 7 feet as rivers, canals and swamps could not withstand the pressure from ocean surges. In Venice, the roof of the old theater downtown collapsed and destroyed furniture, lighting and stage equipment amongst other items and artifacts.

In Englewood, several mobile home communities were among the many hit the hardest by the storm with many homes also destroyed.

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Even a year later, with many buildings still with some form of tarp protection or plywood boarding, memories of the storm remain fresh in the minds of residents as they try to rebuild as others display for sale signs unable to do the same.

"The work that's been done and the community that came together. It's amazing," said Kathy Brockelbank, who lives in Englewood.

Brockelbank, like many other people, saved surveillance and cell phone videos taken during and in the days after Hurricane Ian as keepsakes. They are a stark reminder of the power of Mother Nature.

Brockelbank sought refuge in her home state of Michigan but chose to return and stay in Englewood despite the storm's devastation. As the anniversary of the storm hits the one-year mark, she says she has seen some encouraging progress.

"The community has come back very well," Brockelbank said.

But for many around her, the rebuilding process remains a slow and uphill battle.

"There's still a lot more in the other park. It still needs a lot of help and a lot of work. Some of these people just can't afford to put anything back together," Brockelbank said.

Some of such folks she is concerned about include her 85-year-old neighbor across the street whose repairs are just now starting thanks to her son who is a contractor.

"We've got a dumpster out front, we've got mom in a camper, she's 85 years old so it's even more challenging for her and my brother," said Tom Gallagher, the neighbor's son.

Gallagher's family pooled funds together to purchase the camper after experiencing delays with assistance.

In Sarasota County, more than 150 residents still live in similar temporary housing supplied by FEMA while in Charlotte County, where parts of Englewood also sit. Work has begun on the site for a new temporary FEMA housing park.

The park would house between 20-40 families still displaced by Hurricane Ian. County leaders said there were more than 500 families who qualified for FEMA housing assistance.

"Keep the faith, that's all you could do is keep the faith. Keep chugging along and it works out eventually. You've just got to keep the faith. It's been very challenging the whole year, it's going to be challenging till it's done," Gallagher said.

Many impacted residents say bottlenecks with insurance and government assistance are forcing them to take on repairs themselves.

"Make it easier so we can put it back together. Just put our home back together. That's all we ever want to do is just be able to put it back together and to what we can afford," Brockelbank said. "I hope and pray to God that this never happens to this community again because it was miserable for everybody."

There are 149 deaths attributed to Hurricane Ian, according to the Florida District Medical Examiners. The storm was one of the costliest hurricanes on record, causing about $113 billion in damage behind hurricanes Katrina and Harvey.

Things to Do for Spring Break

Depending upon your location, Spring Break dates can be any time from late February to March, or even into April. No matter when you get to take it, Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach is one of the best spring break destinations for families, with a wide variety of activities, events, ...

Depending upon your location, Spring Break dates can be any time from late February to March, or even into April. No matter when you get to take it, Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach is one of the best spring break destinations for families, with a wide variety of activities, events, and amazing dining experiences to delight everyone.

Our favorite spring break ideas include:

Uncrowded Beach Time

Enjoy Englewood Beach with the family. There's a nice playground for the kids, showers and restrooms close by, as well as plenty of good eats right across the street. Beach parking is $.75 an hour, payable via the free ParkMobile app. Check out our tips to get your family beach-ready and to pack a good beach bag to have the best sandy seaside day ever.

Head a bit further south to Stump Pass Beach State Park for some true serenity, sugar-like sand, and gorgeous water. Make a wish on a shell and hang it on one of the driftwood trees before you go! Parking is $3 per vehicle.

Art, Food, and Culture

Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens is a singular experience featuring world-class art and fascinating flora. The kids will love the Butterfly House and feeding the koi.

The Military Heritage Museum not only displays thousands of artifacts, they also have flight and boat simulators, virtual reality expeditions, interactive exhibits, and more.

Robust Food Scene

Dining in Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach can be whatever you want it to be, from an adventure in trying new and innovative cuisine to relaxing with comfort food. Many restaurants have dedicated kid’s menus, and live music abounds.

Events Happening Over Spring Break:

Catch possible future Major Leaguers at a Snowbird Baseball Classic game or three. This NCAA Division I and III Baseball Tournament showcases the very best of college baseball. If you compare the Snowbird games to Tampa Bay Ray Spring Training—held at Charlotte Sports Park, named the #1 Spring Training Facility by USA Today's 10Best—you probably won't see much difference in quality of play. Both events run from mid-February to late March.

We highly recommend heading down a bit early to experience the Annual Taste of Punta Gorda, which always happens in early March. It’s a full day of scrumptious food, live music, art and craft vendors galore, and a large kid zone with bounce houses and more.

The Sullivan Street Craft Festival happens four times a year—January, March, September, and November—and features hundreds of artisans who travel in from across the country to display their wares. It’s a don’t-miss for treasure hunters.

The Peace River National Art Festival is a juried art show featuring every medium imaginable from over 60 artists from across the nation. Be here mid-March to soak in the artistry at Laishley Park.

If cars are your art, you're in luck. The Gulf Coast Classic Car Auction (no purchase necessary!) happens every March in Punta Gorda.

If you’re into mudding and four wheeling, you likely already come down each spring for the Trucks Gone Wild Spring Break event at Redneck Mud Park!

As you can see, Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach is truly one of the best places to go for Spring Break. We’ll see you then!

Spring Break FAQs

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When is spring break?

Spring Break usually falls between late February and late March, depending on your location. Some breaks fall later and last into April.

When is spring break 2024?

In 2024, many spring breaks will happen either March 4–8 or March 11–15, but schedules vary depending on the school.

How long is spring break?

Spring break usually lasts one or two weeks.

When does spring break start?

Depending on your location, Spring Break can start anywhere from late February to early March. In 2024, many breaks will start during the first two weeks of March.

When does spring break end?

Spring break will end after a week or two, depending on the school schedule.

Englewood Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

At Goldman Babboni Fernandez Murphy & Walsh, we are committed to providing our clients in Englewood, FL with unparalleled legal services in motorcycle accident claims. With a track record of over $500 million recovered for our clients over 30 years, we stand ready to help you with the complexities of your motorcycle accident case.Comprehensive Legal Assistance for Motorcycle Accident Cases in Englewood, FLEnglewood Motorcycle AccidentsFrom Manasota Key to Boca Grande to I-75, Englewood is perfect for anyone looking t...

At Goldman Babboni Fernandez Murphy & Walsh, we are committed to providing our clients in Englewood, FL with unparalleled legal services in motorcycle accident claims. With a track record of over $500 million recovered for our clients over 30 years, we stand ready to help you with the complexities of your motorcycle accident case.

Comprehensive Legal Assistance for Motorcycle Accident Cases in Englewood, FL

Englewood Motorcycle Accidents

From Manasota Key to Boca Grande to I-75, Englewood is perfect for anyone looking to get the motorcycle out and experience the sun on the face and wind in their hair. If you’re involved in a motorcycle crash in Englewood, you may be facing serious injuries and a long road to recovery. Our legal team will fight for you, getting you compensation while you focus on your physical healing. We stand up for the injured to get them justice.

Can You Seek Compensation?

Under Florida law, anyone who is injured in an accident can seek financial compensation through a personal injury lawsuit if they can show that the person who caused the accident acted in a negligent or reckless manner.

Negligence or recklessness in a motorcycle crash could include a wide range of things including:

In short, you just need to show that the other person was driving in a way that any reasonable person would recognize to be unsafe. If this is the case, you could be entitled to compensation. Our attorneys will fight to get you the most from your injuries so you can move on.

What Damages Are You Owed?

A motorcycle crash can be one of the most serious accidents you can endure. The reason is simple – a motorcyclist has little protection in the event of a crash, and the larger size and mass of a passenger car means that it can do major damage to a biker. If you’re injured, the road to recovery can be very long.

It’s important to remember that you have rights, and that many insurance companies will offer settlement amounts that are far lower than what you’re actually owed. Before you accept a settlement offer, it’s worth consulting with an Englewood motorcycle accident attorney. Consider some of the factors that play into a fair settlement:

As you can see, there’s more to a settlement than you might think. Our attorneys can make sure you don’t make a mistake and accept an offer that doesn’t cover your real costs, and we’ll always work to get you what you truly deserve.

Proving Fault To prove that the other party acted in a negligent or reckless manner and that you’re really owed compensation, our team will use a variety of different resources and techniques including:

You can trust that the other side will use as many tools and techniques as they can to avoid paying you a dime, and as such it’s important that you have someone on your side that will stand up for your rights and fight for you.

Defending You Insurance companies and the legal teams of the person responsible for the accident will often use a wide range of tactics to avoid paying out anything. This amounts to bullying, and it can make it difficult for those who are injured in an accident to know what steps they can really take.

Our team of Englewood motorcycle accident attorneys stand up for the little guy. Our reputation alone is enough to show the other side that you mean business, and when you contact us you can rest easy knowing that you have a lawyer on your side who won’t back down and will get you what you deserve.

Contact us today to let us start fighting for your rights. We’ll make them pay.

Legal FAQs

Under Florida’s comparative negligence laws, a victim can still recover damages even if they were partially at fault. However, the total compensation received will be reduced in proportion to their degree of fault. For instance, if the victim is found to be 30% at fault, their total recovery will be reduced by 30%. An experienced lawyer can effectively argue the degree of fault assigned to you to maximize your compensation.

Motorcycle accidents can be dramatically different from car accidents due to the vulnerability of motorcyclists. Without the protective structure that a car provides, motorcyclists often suffer more severe injuries, which can lead to greater medical costs and longer recovery times. Furthermore, societal bias can unjustly place blame on motorcyclists, adding another layer of complexity to these cases. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer understands these challenges and knows how to address bias and underscore the motorcyclist’s rights.

The timeline for resolution of a motorcycle accident case can vary significantly based on the complexity of the case, the severity of injuries, the clarity of fault, and the willingness of the parties to negotiate. While some cases may settle within a few months, others, particularly those involving severe injuries or contentious liability issues, may take a year or longer. Patience is key, as rushing to settle may result in receiving less than full compensation. Our attorneys strive to balance efficient resolution with achieving fair and adequate compensation.

Every Day is Earth Day in Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach: Embracing Sustainable Travel

Celebrate Earth Day—or enjoy a wild trip any time of the year—with an eco-friendly vacation you can feel good about in Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach. As an ecotourism destination, the area is full of parks and preserves, dedicated bike and walking paths, wildlife-filled waterways, and people who work ...

Celebrate Earth Day—or enjoy a wild trip any time of the year—with an eco-friendly vacation you can feel good about in Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach. As an ecotourism destination, the area is full of parks and preserves, dedicated bike and walking paths, wildlife-filled waterways, and people who work to preserve these natural treasures.

Eco-Friendly Outdoor Activities

There are many protected natural areas in Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach, which means thriving biodiversity in beautiful settings.

For example, our area is one of the very few habitats in which rare Florida scrub-jays thrive. And of course, Birding in the area is excellent.

Other environmentally-friendly activities include eco-tours of all kinds—including guided wading trips and a fun bus ride through four distinct ecosystems—nature hikes, paddling adventures, and so much more. Even better, any eco-tour, whether on land or on the water, is likely to be led by a Florida Master Naturalist who will teach you about the ecosystem while you’re enjoying it.

You can even explore the entirety of Punta Gorda on a free loaner bicycle, the ultimate carbon-neutral transportation option.

State Parks and Preserves

With so many State Parks and Preserves in the area, tranquility and wonder are never far away. Explore all manner of wild nature, from the sandy trails and gentle gulf waves of Stump Pass Beach State Park to the deep green beauty of Charlotte Harbor Preserve State Park to the waterful wonders of our 200 miles of Blueway Trails to Charlotte Harbor itself, the second-largest estuary in Florida.


Environmental stewardship is the name of the game around here, from our Florida Friendly Fishing Guides to several eco-conservancies and wildlife sanctuaries.

The area is even home to the nation’s first solar-powered town, Babcock Ranch.

Learn more about sustainable travel in this blog post: Why Conservation is Important in Florida and How to Have a Sustainable Vacation.

Water Wonderland

Catch a glimpse of our gorgeous waterways in this video:

When you’re looking for enriching, eco-friendly adventures with minimal environmental impact, Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach has your getaway. It’s the perfect destination to celebrate Earth Day—or your love of nature—in a meaningful way. Come on down and stay longer, immerse, and connect with our beautiful outdoors, and each other.


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