Conventional Treatment Approaches and Their Shortcomings

The conventional method of addressing Type 2 Diabetes predominantly involves the administration of pharmaceuticals such as Metformin (Glucophage), Jardiance, or glimepiride. These drugs are aimed at reducing blood glucose levels but are associated with a variety of potential adverse effects. For instance:

Although these medications have a role in symptom management, they fall short of tackling the root causes behind Type 2 Diabetes. Consequently, they are often insufficient for providing a sustainable, long-term reversal of the disease. This highlights a critical gap in traditional Type 2 Diabetes treatment strategies, pointing to the need for approaches that go beyond mere symptom management to address the underlying health issues driving the condition.

The Sarasota Diabetes & Neuropathy Center Approach
Personalized, Natural, and Comprehensive

At Sarasota Diabetes & Neuropathy Center, our treatment philosophy for Type 2 Diabetes diverges significantly from the norm, embracing a holistic and comprehensive method that has consistently achieved reversals of the condition for numerous patients. Central to our innovative approach is the strategic deployment of nutraceuticals—specialized supplements to rectify the distinct root causes underlying each patient's specific form of the disease.

We recognize the intricate nature of Type 2 Diabetes, acknowledging its roots in a complex web of factors, which may include genetic predispositions, lifestyle choices, and a variety of biochemical and physiological imbalances. Our treatment protocol is meticulously tailored to address the unique imbalances detected in each individual, ensuring a customized, rather than a generic, approach to healing.

Our detailed investigative process involves rigorous testing and analysis to pinpoint the exact contributors to a patient’s Type 2 Diabetes, be it insulin resistance, inflammation, oxidative stress, or gut dysbiosis. Based on these findings, we craft a bespoke treatment regimen, incorporating select nutraceuticals aimed at mitigating these specific imbalances.

Our strategic, personalized application of nutraceuticals seeks not merely to alleviate symptoms but to fundamentally reverse Type 2 Diabetes. By confronting and rectifying the underlying contributors to its onset, we aim to pave the way for lasting health transformations.

Our Approach

Becoming a patient at our clinic involves a comprehensive, step-by-step process tailored to ensure the most effective treatment pathway for reversing Type 2 Diabetes and addressing other underlying health concerns. Here’s what the journey typically involves:


The process begins with an initial consultation to understand your health history, current concerns, and treatment goals. This is a crucial step to ensure our approach is a good fit for your needs and that you can benefit maximally from our care.

Blood Test

Following the consultation, we conduct extensive blood tests. This thorough examination allows us to gain insights into your metabolic health, hormonal balance, nutritional deficiencies, and other critical health markers that conventional testing might overlook.

Further Testing

Depending on the initial findings, we may recommend further testing, such as stool and saliva tests, to deepen our understanding of your health status. This helps us refine your treatment plan with even greater precision.

Application of Nutraceuticals and Lifestyle Changes

With a clear picture of your health landscape, we then proceed to the application phase, incorporating targeted nutraceuticals and advising on necessary lifestyle changes. This strategy is designed to address the root cause(s) of your health issues, leveraging natural supplements and modifications to your diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors to foster significant, positive changes in your health.

Review of Results and Recommendations

Once we have your test results, we’ll schedule a follow-up to discuss them in detail. During this session, we provide specific recommendations tailored to you. This includes explaining the significance of your test outcomes and outlining the initial steps of your personalized treatment plan.

Throughout this process, we maintain a close partnership with you, offering guidance, support, and adjustments to your treatment plan as needed. Our goal is to not only address the symptoms but to achieve lasting health improvements by tackling the underlying causes of your health problems.

Traditional Approach and Limitations

The traditional approach to treating diabetes often relies heavily on medication management with drugs like metformin, Jardiance, or glimepiride. While these medications can help lower blood sugar levels, they come with a range of potential side effects, including:


Nausea, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, vitamin B12 deficiency


Urinary tract infections, genital yeast infections, dehydration


Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), weight gain, headaches, dizziness

While these medications may help manage symptoms, they do not address the underlying causes of diabetes and often fail to provide a long-term solution or reversal of the condition.

The SDNC Approach
Personalized, Natural, and Comprehensive

At Sarasota Neuropathy Center, we take a different, more comprehensive approach to treating diabetes, one that has proven successful in reversing the condition in many cases. Our approach is built on the use of nutraceuticals – targeted supplements and natural treatments that address the unique underlying causes of each individual's condition.

We understand that diabetes is a complex condition with multiple contributing factors, including genetic predispositions, lifestyle choices, and various biochemical and physiological imbalances. Our strategy is specifically catered to the distinct imbalances present in each patient, ensuring a personalized approach rather than a one-size-fits-all solution.

Through extensive testing and analysis, we identify the specific factors contributing to each patient’s diabetes, such as insulin resistance, inflammation, oxidative stress, or gut dysbiosis. We then develop a tailored plan that incorporates carefully selected nutraceuticals, designed to target and correct these underlying imbalances.

This methodical and individualized application of nutraceuticals is aimed not just at managing symptoms but fundamentally reversing the course of Type 2 Diabetes by directly addressing the factors that contribute to its development.

Our approach may include:

By addressing the root causes of diabetes through this personalized, natural, and comprehensive approach, we are dedicated to helping our patients achieve long-term health and potentially reversing their Type 2 Diabetes.