Dr. Daniel Berning
Sarasota Diabetes & Neuropathy Center

Dr. Daniel Berning (DC, BS) began exploring avenues for healing chronic diseases after watching a dear family friend battle with neurological pain for several years. Throughout the course of her care, her treatment consisted of taking countless medications as she underwent various surgeries in search of pain relief. 

Her mental and physical health progressively worsened from the disease and the countless medications until she reached her breaking point, taking her own life.

Struck by the tragedy, Dr. Berning devoted the remaining terms of his doctorate to exploring different avenues that could truly bring about healing rather than just mask pain. Through his research, he identified a highly successful (yet vastly underutilized) form of treatment for neuropathy. 

Dr. Berning founded the Sarasota Diabetes & Neuropathy Center to show others that there’s a different way to get better results—that long-term healing and wellness are achievable through holistic methods that lead to natural healing. 

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Dr. Berning and his wife Kaitlynn were born and raised in the state of Ohio. When Dr. Berning was 14 years old, he suffered from a fracture of his fifth lumbar vertebra, the lowest vertebral bone of the spine. While waiting 9 months for the bone to heal, he became fascinated with health and the nervous system. 

After recovering from the injury, he decided to pursue his Doctorate of Chiropractic Medicine. Dr. Berning attended the University of Toledo to begin his Bachelors of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies, later attending Life University to complete his Doctorate of Chiropractic Medicine. 

Upon completion of his doctorate, Dr. Berning and his wife moved to Florida to learn first-hand how to treat and heal diabetes and neuropathy at a neurological based clinic in Naples, Florida.

 After completing his year long clinical residency in 2022, Dr. Berning founded Sarasota Diabetes & Neuropathy Center to serve the people of Sarasota County suffering from diabetes and neuropathy.